When you are considering whether or not to buy a boat, one of the things you need to do is make sure that you are aware of the required safety equipment that the boat you are considering possesses.
Required safety equipment for boats can include lifejackets for all passengers, flares to signal for help in case of an emergency, and a current depth finder. It is also important to make sure that the boat you are considering is equipped with a VHF radio and cellular phone service in case of an emergency.
1. Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
Table of Contents

2. Sound Producing Devices (whistle or horn)

3. Fire Extinguishers

4. Visual Distress Signals / Red Flare or Orange smoke

5. Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD)

6. Backfire Flame Arrestors (BFA)

7. Ventilation for Engines

8. Navigation lights

9. On board copy of the Inland Navigation Rules

10. Oil and garbage placards.

Optional equipment:
- VHF radio and GPS
- First aid kit
- Extra fuel